To bottle or to keg


Ok, so the choice again is yours. how do you wanna go on about this? Bottles or kegs? The choice can be difficult there and then, but as many other I started with bottles and was happy with that. There is something about that first “FIZZ” you get when opening your own homemade beer. But after a while I grew tired of all the work that is cleaning them. So I switched to kegs. I still bottle beers to, but that is usually the few liters that do not fit into the keg, or when I use a Beer Gun to bottle beer from the keg. This page is all about the two choices. So read on and watch the videos. the choose for yourself.



Bottling your Beer.

Most people choose to bottle their beer when they start brewing. It is of course a lot cheaper on the go and some people find the kegging process a bit scary and difficult. Bottles can be obtained from most brewing equipment shops, or, like I do here in Norway, I buy it used from the local grocery store. However you decide to buy yours, and what style you decide to use, there are things you need to consider in any case. Cleaning and sanitizing. Again there are different ways to do this, but all roads lead to Rome as they say. They do. I know, I have heard it somewhere. Nevermind, what matters is that you clean your bottles goo. Use a heavyduty cleaning mixture and after the soaking and scrubbing you can use a sanitizer agent like Star-San or similar.

Here are a couple videos that will show you the process of bottling you beer.

As you can see, it is not very difficult to do this, but as mentioned, it needs some precautions. Clean clean clean. Thats it, and then sanitize. If you use StarSan and take care to use the dosage as said on the label, it is not at all dangerous to leave some foam left in the bottle. It will not hurt you or your beer. “Do not fear the foam”


Kegging your beer.

I choose here to show you the Cornelius kegs. Without showing any proof, I do believe that these are the kegs preferred by homebrewers. At least here in Norway. Available in 9, 12 and 19 liters, possible smaller or larger as well, I don’t know. You will of course be able to obtain larger kegs like 50 liters, but I am not showing that in this article.

The process of kegging remains the same no matter the size, usually. You can carbonate your beer just as you do in a bottle, adding sugar or carbonation tablets, but the preferred way, by me anyway, is to force carbonate using Co2. There are tables that will show you the amount of pressure for different types of beer to add to get the right amount of C02 in your beer. Again I will cut to video, and I have chosen to use the videos from Craigtube. An entertaining guy, from Canada I believe. He shows the easy way of doing this in a laidback manner. Many of you will probably know this guy from before.

You did notice that pitching the beer from the fermenter is a lot quicker than with bottles? Like I mentioned before, I now usually brew 20 or 40 liter batches to adjust to kegs, but usually I get a bit more, so I still have to bottle a couple, but I did also mention Beer Gun. And here is a video on how to use that equipment.

Blichmann Beer Gun.


Now all that remains is to wish you all the best in your choice.

Happy brewing, as you know. The best beer for you, is the beer that you brew.

14 responses to “To bottle or to keg”

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